People scream about term limits and campaign reform. I will say the logical solution is to not re-elect the same idiots over and over again and to not just vote for the guy with the most ads and campaign signs.
I will take it another step and say the system is a total loss and rotten to its very core. It's time to throw them whole thing out and start fresh.
Okay, let's start with term limits. Two years. That's it. if you served as mayor of a little backwater town near the Canadian border for two years, that's it. You're done. No, completely. No moving up to the state legislature or running for Congress. Two years, that's it. Now go get a real job. What about those four and six years terms? Four years is too long and six years is too damn long. What about "learning the ropes?" Um, what company allowed you over two years to learn your job? Where's the incentive if there's no re-election? Where's the dedication? It shouldn't be a career, but a term of service to our country. Marines don't have staffs, personal drivers or fancy offices and they do a hell of a lot more for this country than the men and women who more often than not use them as their own personal mercenary force.
And let's get rid of the office and royal lifestyle, okay? Pay should either be tied to the GDP or the average Aerican worker's salary. THERE'S an incentive! As for staff, all you really need is a secretary, MAYBE an intern (Stop! That was 1996. Let it GO!)