Pushback endorses Darrell Castle for President.

Please help us get him on the ballot!


Yes, yet another fed-up conservative with a computer, HTML editor and a free web server ranting on about the injustices of our nation. And why not? We the people have been pushed around far too long by people of both major parties, but especially the left side of the political spectrum. Compared to my own time growing up, this nation has turned into some kind of uber-diverse, way over-the-top Bizarro world! Everything is backwards and upside down.

I may not be old enough to remember the dawn of the baby boom generation or the adolescense of its first-born, but I do remember my own adolescence in the eighties. Safely shielded in middle-class suburbia from racism, poverty and crime that had gripped this nation for the better part of the 20th century and before, I grew up in a reasonable facsimile of Americana. Some may say I was sheltered and, yeah, I was. So what? I got a glimpse of what America was supposed to be. We didn't have atheists demanding that In God We Trust and the Ten Commandments be removed from our courthouses. We didn't have the fringe elements of society guilt-tripping us into accepting whatever behavior they were in to. We weren't demonized for our beliefs.

Now? Well, read the news.


Did I make you mad? Good. Did I make you say, "Preach it!"? Amen, brother!
Tell me about it!

Pushback endorses Darrell Castle for President.

Please help us get him on the ballot!