Pushback endorses Darrell Castle for President.

Please help us get him on the ballot!


Oh, sorry, did you spill your coffee? I'll wait.

Depending on who you ask, we have anywhere between 10 million and 30 million illegal aliens in this country. Now I would love to see every single one of them deported back to their home country and not even be allowed to legally return. I also know that's unrealistic. Even going by low-ball estimates, that's more than the population of New York City. At the high end of the scale, 30 million, we're talking more people than live in the entire state of Texas. It's anywhere from 140,000 to 430,000 busloads, 20,000 to 60,000 fully loaded 747s! It's a staggering number no matter how you look at it. We can wring our hands and scream at how it's all the liberals' fault and it is.

In 1986, Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of, of course, 1986. It granted amnesty to three million illegals and was supposed to button up the border and impose penalties on companies who knowingly hired illegals. Those last two didn't happen. And since it was was supposed to be a ONE-TIME granting of amnesty, one could say the entire act was a colossal failure!

So why do it again?

Simple. It levels the playing field. We are now talking about 10 to 30 million people (Pushback favors the middle ground, so from here on out, we're gonna go with 20 million). Employers now have to pay them a decent wage, provide insurance and worker's compensation and, oh no, PAY TAXES! Some will go along with it and we get a nice little revenue boost (though Pushback opposes income taxes, but that's another article; for now, let's just accept payroll taxes as a fact of life) through income taxes and taxes on the "stuff" they buy.

But others won't. Let's be honest. As it stands now, an illegal in the country lives in constant fear of being deported or jailed. if you don't think some employers exploit that for all it's worth, stop feeding your unicorn, but down the joint and come back to the real world. Illegal immigrants work hard not so much because of their work ethic; they don't want to get deported! So if el jefe says you gotta work a few extra hours without pay or asks for a few special favors (again, come back to the real world; it DOES happen outside of Hollywood), you bit your tongue, grit your teeth, close your eyes and do it. Amnesty takes that power bosses hold over their near-slaves away. All of a sudden, that language barrier just isn't worth it anymore. See where I'm going with this? Yes, boys and girls, racism and xenophobia is still alive and well in this country.


Did I make you mad? Good. Did I make you say, "Preach it!"? Amen, brother!
Tell me about it!

Pushback endorses Darrell Castle for President.

Please help us get him on the ballot!